Manage your work photos ...


caDDrag is a suite of products
to manage photographic documentation
of your works



the first management software
of photographic documentation
in the CAD environment



the first software to allow the
"positioning of the photographic survey on the map"
directly on the site


use the dedicated APP
to organize, classify and
contextualize your photos


photographic survey to
map the degradation
of structural elements

photographic survey 

to map plants


photographic survey to map

fire prevention systems, antitheft alarms,



photographic survey for
workplace safety documentation

photographic survey for
Work Progress Status and
Work Journal


from GIS to APP: import information

for "targeted" inspections and


the first software to

quickly publish photos,

topographic surveys, projects, etc.

on Google Earth

from GPS survey ...

... to Google Earth!
survey publication

from the photographic survey on CAD ...

... to Google Earth!
publication of photographic documentation

from CAD design ...

... to Google Earth!
project publication

Quickly organize and create your photographic technical documentation

Photography is a fundamental support for all relevant operations, which accompanies all stages of data acquisition.

In many cases, photography itself is a useful document for the purpose of surveying as it is possible to derive some useful information from the photographic image for the determination of the elements it contains.

Photography is of considerable importance in architectural documentation and constitutes an irreplaceable tool in architectural surveying both as a complementary documentation to survey graphics and as an auxiliary tool in survey operations.

There are many areas where it is necessary to document a given situation with photos:


  • Architecture

    cat architetturaRecord the construction evolution of a building, construction details and details of elements, all subdivided and organized according to a logical scheme, functional to quick information retrieval.


  • As built

    cat as built

    "As built" includes drawings and photographic documentation that describe the work as it is actually built, following design changes in progress or differences between the project and the construction.

    It is clear that, even in this case, the photo is an extremely relevant aspect within the technical documentation.

    caDDrag will be extremely useful to produce the documentation necessary to describe the work carried out through the plan of the shots and the photo book.

  • Building

    cad edilizia

    As already mentioned, also for the architectural sector it is important to document the construction process of a building.

    Historicize the workings, the installation of systems as well as the finishing of the elements are preparatory activities for future simplification and efficiency in planning the maintenance of the building.



  • Commercial

    cat commercialeMany products, especially in the construction sector, require prior inspection, survey and photographic documentation of the place where they are to be placed to verify the actual possibility of installation.



  • Construction supervision

    cat direzione lavori

    The construction manager is the professional position chosen by the client, based on the works to be performed and the professional title required by current regulations for the execution of these works aiming to follow the regular progress of the construction site.

    The tasks of the construction manager are manifold and among them:

    • Check the correct execution of the works
    • Site audit reports, carried out personally or entrusted to a third party

    Also in this case, caDDrag is proposed as a valid tool to support the check of the works on the construction site.

  • Engineering

    cat ingegneriaComplex engineering structures can be documented in their smallest construction details, obtaining a "mapping" of the different photographic snap points taken.


  • Environmental

    cat ambientale5

    Landfills, purification plants require periodic maintenance surveys.

    Historicizing the various surveys chronologically is one of caDDrag's functions.

    The exact location of the photos will allow precise monitoring and correct evaluation of what is necessary for maintenance.

    At the end of the photographic survey, you will obtain the plan of the shots positioned on the planimetry of the system.


  • Fire Prevention

    cat antincendio 3

    Map a plant during its construction is undoubtedly the best way to obtain efficiency in the management of maintenance over time.

    Each single device can be located with a photo inside the system and connected to a technical data sheet by coding the photo itself.

    From the encoded photos, it will be possible to extract a report in Excel and the plan of the shots

  • Geology

    cat geologia2

    A particularly vast area which supports numerous construction activities.

    Environmental and territorial investigations are often carried out in areas where production activities are yet to be set up or infrastructures or architectural complexes are yet to be built.

    Also in this case, the geolocation of photographic surveying activities and the subsequent elaboration of the plan of the photographic snap points are essential.





  • Infrastructure

    cat infrastrutture 3

    Important road infrastructures often come to life in inaccessible places and far from certain references that allow their immediate identification.

    Using caDDrag mobile, it will be possible to have on your smartphone the complete project of the work to carry out, allowing the immediate geolocation of any product or element of the work directly on the construction site.

  • Landscaping

    cat ambientale

    Survey and photographic inventory of a tree plantating, a nursery or a park.

    Each photo will locate the plan precisely and the associated code will qualify its essence.

    At the end of the photographic survey, you will automatically get the report in Excel and the plan of the shots

    Still within the options of the APP, it is be possible, by filtering the codes, to isolate even just a single type of plant in order to plan subsequent maintenance interventions.

  • Maintenance

    cat manutenzione 3

    Good management of road maintenance starts from the premise of having an efficient problem reporting service.

    Taking a picture is the fastest and most effective way to document and geolocate a certain situation that requires technical maintenance.

    In addition, the possibility of sending the photo straight away to the departement in charge will allow the analysis the problem and a better intervention planning.

  • Plant

    cat impiantistica

    Mapping a plant during its construction is undoubtedly the best way to obtain efficiency in the management of maintenance over time.

    Each single device can be located with a photo inside the system and connected to a technical data sheet by coding the photo itself.

    From the encoded photos, it will be possible to extract a report in Excel and the plan of the shots


  • Safety

    cat sicurezza3

    The safety coordinator on construction sites (CSE) is the figure appointed by the client or the person in charge for the work to ensure the coordination among the various companies involved, in order to reduce risks at work.

    Among its roles, the CSE must verify:

    • The fulfillment of the safety and coordination plan by the company for the entire duration of the works with appropriate coordination and control actions
    • The correct application of the working procedures

    He therefore has to report to the client or to the supervisor of the works the failure to comply with the provisions of the Consolidated Law on Safety, after a writing a counterclaim to the involved companies and self-employed workers.

    caDDrag will be extremely useful to document accurately any kind of dissimilarity supporting the actions undertaken towards the executor of the work.

  • Topography

    cat topografia 3

    Any survey commissioned by a public authority also requires the delivery of the photographic file and the relative plan of the shooting points, in addition to the classic plano-altimetric return tables.

    It is the norm and out of habit to take photos to accompany the survey performed to better document various peculiarities and particular points (foundations, station points, alignment points, etc.)

Classifying and dividing the images of the survey is essential for subsequent consultation: only in this way will it be possible to find a specific photograph in a few seconds, thus saving a lot of time searching.

Thanks to the innovative technology of caDDrag, it will be a piece of cake to:

  • historicize a monitoring and produce a chronological photographic document
  • create the photographic documentation necessary for the Work Journal or for the Work Progress Status
  • perform a targeted inspection or survey by displaying the project or the exact position of the element on the smartphone
  • perform a photographic census furnished with the layout of the shots and an Excel accounting sheet
  • and much more ...


" With caDDrag, in a few minutes, you will be able to achieve what would have taken

 a lot of hours of work."


find how ...

Compatible with                                           Commercial policies                             Versions

Platform CAD:

  • AutoCAD LT 2011-19sp1
  • AutoCAD FULL 2010-20
  • GstarCAD 2017-20
  • ZWCad 2020

Operating system:

  • Windows 7 32/64bit
  • Windows 10 32/64bit